9 Week Review

I started my 3 month diet on April 7, 2009. As of today, June 8, 2009 I have completed 9 weeks of dieting with 28 more daily weigh-ins left until my diet is finished.

To date I have lost 28kg (62lbs). Week by week I've lost 5kg, 2kg, 4kg, 4kg, 2kg, 4kg, 2kg, 3kg, and 2kg. On average, I have been losing 3.1kg (6.8lbs) a week. Over the three, three week periods, the rate in which I have been losing weight has declined.

I have exactly 4 weeks to complete my goal of losing 42kg (92lbs) in 3 months. I probably won't make any changesfor the next 3 weeks. The gloves come off in the fourth week. It will be close. So far I have given this diet an honest effort. I believe I will be successful but either way, I will be satisfied if I continue to give my best effort.

For readers new to my blog. I started this 3 month diet with 8 daily goals. I set the first 3 goals after reading about other successful dieters who had personalities I could identify with. The last 5 goals are following the advice given to me by an old Holistic Practitioner.

Goal 1 - Weigh myself everyday.

Without fail I weight myself every morning after waking up and using the washroom. There is another school of thought that believes weighing yourself everyday on a diet is not prudent. I believe I understand the arguments from both camps.

If you are on a diet and refuse to weight yourself everyday it might be because you are scared. You are scared of the daily slow grind and the unexplained fluctuations. In my opinion, if you can't get over this - your emotions will handicap your diet. Dieting is hard, frustrating and it sucks. Accept it. Accept the grind. Weight yourself everyday and accept the numbers without emotion. Try and accept the numbers with a casual curiosity.

Goal 2 - Consume less than 1600 calories a day.

On average I consume just over 1500 calories a day. Admittedly, I am hungry before bed. I have successfully fought the urge to eat. At the beginning of the diet I was really cranky however I seem to have overcome this without knowing how. I plan all my meals and snacks at the beginning of the day.

Recently I have been trying to cycle my caloric intake while maintaining a 1500 average over the week.

Goal 3 - Exercise at least 1.5 hours a day.

On average, I exercise just over 2 hours a day. During the week, about six hours low to medium intensity cardio like fast walking. Six hours of medium to medium/high intensity cardio like elliptical training. And, two hours of weight training. To date I have never taken a day off nor plan to.

Recently I have been trying to cycle my exercise time while maintaining a two hour daily average. I have also given some thought to coordinating my exercise and caloric intake needs.

Goal 4 - Drink 12 cups of Sanpin (Jasmine) Tea everyday.

I drink no less than 1 litre a day.

Goal 5 - Eat 1.5 cups of Konnyaku everyday.

On average I eat about 1 cup a day. There is a variety of konnyaku products to choose from. Recently I only eat Shirataki Noodles. I add them to soup and stir fries. I also started making a salad by adding diced vegetables, konbu, olive oil and spices to the noodles.

Goal 6 - Eat half a Goya (Bitter Mellon) Vegetable a day.

I have largely failed to keep this goal. I consume 1 Goya a week. However, I do consume 1 litre of bitter mellon tea everyday. As the name suggest it is bitter and takes some getting use to but it grows on you.

Goal 7 - Eat 10cm of Gobo (Burdock) everyday.

I have exceeded this goal.

Goal 8 - Eat Konbu (type of seaweed) three times a week.

I have exceeded this goal but am careful not overload on the stuff.

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