It was a good day. On top of exercising I cleaned the house, did some shopping and washed my motorbike. Before my diet there was little chance I would have done all three "activities" in one day. I procrastinate less.
Well my little buddy is washed and ready for bed. I'm heading out to a party. Last week my one beer turned into 15 beers and a big plate of 3am sashimi. I got home at 5am and napped most of the day. While it was fun, I have only 10 more weigh-in days 'till my diet is finished. Tonight, there will be no proverbial "just-one-beer". I suspect, some friends now fatter than I, will be turning on the heat. Its' all good.
Good Night.
Day 82 Excercise
1 hour Elliptical Machine
1 hour weight training (arms & chest)
1 hour bicycle ride
Total 3 hours
1 hour weight training (arms & chest)
1 hour bicycle ride
Total 3 hours
Day 82 Calories
Yogurt 90
Banana 80
Apple 80
Vegetable Stir Fry 320
Peach & Raisins 170
Goya Stir Fry (Champuru) 520
Total 1260
Banana 80
Apple 80
Vegetable Stir Fry 320
Peach & Raisins 170
Goya Stir Fry (Champuru) 520
Total 1260
Shuri Castle Hill
About 155 years ago Commodore Perry passed by this exact spot on his way Shuri Castle. Today I was attempting to ride my bicycle up the same 6km hill without stopping.

I stopped twice. Once, to take a picture of the above gate that once served as the grand entrance to Sogenji Temple. Now it's an entrance to a inner-city park with some beautiful old trees. I also stopped to take a picture of these Japanese tourists having a rest.
I stopped twice. Once, to take a picture of the above gate that once served as the grand entrance to Sogenji Temple. Now it's an entrance to a inner-city park with some beautiful old trees. I also stopped to take a picture of these Japanese tourists having a rest.
Okinawa Photos
Day 81 Review
The rain did not realize the rainy season is over and returned today. I heard it will continue over the weekend. Looks like I will be in the gym tomorrow and maybe Sunday, depending on what the scale reads.
It was still an all round great day.
Good Night.
It was still an all round great day.
Good Night.
Day 81 Calories
Cereal & Yogurt 250
Apple 80
Spicy Fish Soup 300
Raisins 90
Mixed Salad, Firm Tofu & Hard Boiled Egg 420
Yogurt 90
Peanut Butter Croissant 400
Total 1630
Apple 80
Spicy Fish Soup 300
Raisins 90
Mixed Salad, Firm Tofu & Hard Boiled Egg 420
Yogurt 90
Peanut Butter Croissant 400
Total 1630
Random Thoughts
Today at the 100 yen shop (dollar store) I walked by these measuring spoons and something clicked in my head. Immediately, I threw them in my basket.
Without being anally retentive, I measure, weigh and look up the caloric value of everything I consume. I was under the impression that the soup spoon on the right was equal to 1 tablespoon (15ml). I just learned it is a little less than half a tablespoon.
This means I have been under reporting my caloric intake of olive oil by 50%. I would add one half or one soup spoon of oil to my most of my salads. Mentally noting, one soup spoon is 120 calories. Now I realize it was closer to 60 calories. I use a premium olive oil and look forward to doubling my portions.
I understand why some are critical of those who measure and reference everything they consume. I still believe every fat person (who wishes to lose weight) should do it for a bit. Doing so, has helped me clue into reality. Also, lying to yourself becomes impossible.
This means I have been under reporting my caloric intake of olive oil by 50%. I would add one half or one soup spoon of oil to my most of my salads. Mentally noting, one soup spoon is 120 calories. Now I realize it was closer to 60 calories. I use a premium olive oil and look forward to doubling my portions.
I understand why some are critical of those who measure and reference everything they consume. I still believe every fat person (who wishes to lose weight) should do it for a bit. Doing so, has helped me clue into reality. Also, lying to yourself becomes impossible.
Random Thoughts
Naminoue Temple
I took this picture of Naminoue Temple from the bypass on my bicycle ride yesterday. Naminoue means "above the waves". My wife brings me here each New Years day for Hatsumoude (初詣), a day she prays to her ancestors for good fortune in the new year. It really is a beautiful spot.

Beside the temple is Naha City's only beach. While not the most beautiful beach, it is a popular and fun beach to hang out at in the summer. Lots of locals and Japanese tourists. I'm told, behind the beach and temple is a red light district.
Okinawa Photos
Day 80 Review
It was a really good day. I cycled today as hard as traffic and my old bike would permit. I am really curious what my weight will be like tomorrow morning. It has nothing to do with how hard I pushed it today, as this does not always have a direct result on the scale the next day. Today I had two MBM-z. That is correct two Monster Bowel Movements.
My whole life I have been a member of the "Once a Day Club". It rattles me when I miss a DD. I don't know why but Daily Dumps are important to me. On this diet, I am basically, semi-regular. Once a day for a few days and then nothing for 4-5 days. This is my new cycle. There is no discomfort and on the 4th-5th day I truly feel like a different person once the chore is finished. Well today I had two MBM-z for the first time. Yes, tomorrow morning will be interesting.
Good Night and Peace
Wow, there is a huge Bat hanging in a tree outside our veranda that has a 1 metre wing span. For those that don't beleive me I just googled "Okinawa Bat". You can see a picture here
My whole life I have been a member of the "Once a Day Club". It rattles me when I miss a DD. I don't know why but Daily Dumps are important to me. On this diet, I am basically, semi-regular. Once a day for a few days and then nothing for 4-5 days. This is my new cycle. There is no discomfort and on the 4th-5th day I truly feel like a different person once the chore is finished. Well today I had two MBM-z for the first time. Yes, tomorrow morning will be interesting.
Good Night and Peace
Wow, there is a huge Bat hanging in a tree outside our veranda that has a 1 metre wing span. For those that don't beleive me I just googled "Okinawa Bat". You can see a picture here
Day 80 Excercise
45 minute walk (hills & stairs)
2 hour bicycle ride
Total 2 hours 45 minutes
2 hour bicycle ride
Total 2 hours 45 minutes
Day 80 Calories
Yogurt & Cereal 250
Apple 80
Chicken Soup 300
Orange & Almonds 140
Shirataki Salad & 5oz steamed Mackerel (Saba) 300
Banana & Cheese 150
Total 1220
Apple 80
Chicken Soup 300
Orange & Almonds 140
Shirataki Salad & 5oz steamed Mackerel (Saba) 300
Banana & Cheese 150
Total 1220
Okinawa Croquet (Gate Ball)
I took this picture today of some seniors playing a game similar to Croquet. All over Okinawa, every summer day, this is a regular scene.
I've mentioned before that the Okinawans have a very long life expectancy. Of course diet plays a big role as well as staying active. This picture shows something that is not discussed much.
The people on the left are part of the group playing in the field. One lady is in a wheelchair. They have some food set out on the table and even a few beers and maybe awamori. This is more than a game of Gateball, it is a social gathering. The Okinawan seniors tend to move in social circles that are loosely defined and very supportive. This must have a big impact on overall health. Something not measured by doctors.
I've mentioned before that the Okinawans have a very long life expectancy. Of course diet plays a big role as well as staying active. This picture shows something that is not discussed much.
Okinawa Photos
Shintoshin Park
Shintoshin, translated into English is, New City. Okinawa was officially colonized during the Meji Restoration. After the WWII she was occupied by the Americans until 1972 when returned to Japan. Still, about 20% of the land is occupied by the United States Military.
Shinotshin Park is located on a former US Base, returned, I heard, about 20 years ago. The land was left in good condition with some beautiful trees. The Park is fairly level and about 850 metres around the outside. It is my favorite place to walk in the evening.
Shinotshin Park is located on a former US Base, returned, I heard, about 20 years ago. The land was left in good condition with some beautiful trees. The Park is fairly level and about 850 metres around the outside. It is my favorite place to walk in the evening.
Okinawa Photos
Day 79 Review
It was a really good day. I'm just heading to bed and am a bit hungry. Though nothing like what I fought through at the beginning of my diet.
For myself and most western people (perhaps all people from developed countries) I suspect "hunger" is a matter of perception. People who have experienced true hunger; the survivors of war, concentration camps, famine, drought etc, would justly laugh at how I perceive "hunger".
I usually snacked before bed or around 10pm. Was I hungry or was it a habit? Redefining what hunger means to me has been a challenge. At first, I was super cranky. Now, I am just, sometimes hungry but I'm not. I can't explain it.
I hear something interesting on the radio and my hunger disappears. Where did it go?
I'm hungry. I fall asleep. I wake up and I'm not hungry. Where did it go?
Thinking about people starving in undeveloped countries while wired into the Blog-Fat-o-Sphere is surreal.
Good Night and Peace.
For myself and most western people (perhaps all people from developed countries) I suspect "hunger" is a matter of perception. People who have experienced true hunger; the survivors of war, concentration camps, famine, drought etc, would justly laugh at how I perceive "hunger".
I usually snacked before bed or around 10pm. Was I hungry or was it a habit? Redefining what hunger means to me has been a challenge. At first, I was super cranky. Now, I am just, sometimes hungry but I'm not. I can't explain it.
I hear something interesting on the radio and my hunger disappears. Where did it go?
I'm hungry. I fall asleep. I wake up and I'm not hungry. Where did it go?
Thinking about people starving in undeveloped countries while wired into the Blog-Fat-o-Sphere is surreal.
Good Night and Peace.
Day 79 Calories
Yogurt & Cereal 250
Apple 80
Clam Soup & HB Egg 280
Raisins & Almonds 150
Mixed Salad, 4oz Steamed Chicken & Banana 500
Total 1260
Apple 80
Clam Soup & HB Egg 280
Raisins & Almonds 150
Mixed Salad, 4oz Steamed Chicken & Banana 500
Total 1260
Urasoe Dai Koen
This is one of the entrances to a beautiful park in Urasoe. This path leads to Toyama Cobblestone Road, parts of which are over 600 years old. I usually walk the park in the morning around six. The birds are still going crazy. I am usually the only person out at this hour. However, around seven the croquet players start showing up on the upper flat.
Across this bridge and up the hill will bring you to Urasoe Castle. Behind, is part of the old Toyama Road that was built by the Ryukyu King to help consolidate his power over the island.
Okinawa Photos
Day 78 Review
Another good and busy day. Again, I am thankful my wife is so understanding about the time I spend exercising, never taking her out for dinner or drinking and never buying ice cream or cookies when I go shopping.
My Japanese language skills are poor but I did not let it stop me from working-in on the Bench Press with some of the locals at the gym today. As suspected, they are nice guys and tolerated my broken Japanese without a problem. Sometimes, our problems, are all in our head, aren't they?
On my morning "Stairs and Hills" walk, I had a great view of the ocean. I was thinking I only have 2 more weeks until my 3 month Okinawa diet is finished. I really love Okinawa and decided to start bringing my camera along and taking a few pictures to share them with my readers. I hope people don't mind me promoting this wonderful island a little.
Good Night
My Japanese language skills are poor but I did not let it stop me from working-in on the Bench Press with some of the locals at the gym today. As suspected, they are nice guys and tolerated my broken Japanese without a problem. Sometimes, our problems, are all in our head, aren't they?
On my morning "Stairs and Hills" walk, I had a great view of the ocean. I was thinking I only have 2 more weeks until my 3 month Okinawa diet is finished. I really love Okinawa and decided to start bringing my camera along and taking a few pictures to share them with my readers. I hope people don't mind me promoting this wonderful island a little.
Good Night
Day 78 Excercise
1 hour walk (stairs & hills)
1 hour Elliptical Trainer
1 hour weight training (arms & chest)
Total 3 hours
1 hour Elliptical Trainer
1 hour weight training (arms & chest)
Total 3 hours
Day 78 Calories
Yogurt & Cereal 200
Apple 80
Vegetable Soup & 2oz Pork Tenderloin 280
Orange & Almonds 140
Mixed Salad, 4oz Shrimp & a Banana 500
Total 1200
Apple 80
Vegetable Soup & 2oz Pork Tenderloin 280
Orange & Almonds 140
Mixed Salad, 4oz Shrimp & a Banana 500
Total 1200
Day 77 Review
It was a good but busy day. I am very fortunate my wife is very cool. Without her understanding, I would not be able to fit in 3.5 hour exercises on a weekday.
I read over at Isadora's Weight Loss Success Stories blog about how Stephen Fry lost 80lbs (37kg) in just 6 months. Great Job! I wonder where the "experts", who claim anyone who loses more than 1-2 pounds a week is "destroying" their health, are hiding? Petty tyrants, probably sneaking up behind some poor struggling dieter, getting ready to cast doubt into their lives.
I am not sure why I can't let it go. I was thinking about those people who left me nasty comments today. People told me I was only losing water? But I drink 4 plus litres a day of the stuff. I read, I was losing muscle. Yet, somehow with less muscle I have increased the weight on my leg press by 20% and my dead lifts by 30%. In fact all my lifts have improved since I started. As well, I can now bicycle up a hill that I could barely push my bike up when I started. Just another day in the wacky world of dieting.
Good Night and Good Luck to you.
I read over at Isadora's Weight Loss Success Stories blog about how Stephen Fry lost 80lbs (37kg) in just 6 months. Great Job! I wonder where the "experts", who claim anyone who loses more than 1-2 pounds a week is "destroying" their health, are hiding? Petty tyrants, probably sneaking up behind some poor struggling dieter, getting ready to cast doubt into their lives.
I am not sure why I can't let it go. I was thinking about those people who left me nasty comments today. People told me I was only losing water? But I drink 4 plus litres a day of the stuff. I read, I was losing muscle. Yet, somehow with less muscle I have increased the weight on my leg press by 20% and my dead lifts by 30%. In fact all my lifts have improved since I started. As well, I can now bicycle up a hill that I could barely push my bike up when I started. Just another day in the wacky world of dieting.
Good Night and Good Luck to you.
Day 77 Excercise
45 minute walk (intermittent jogging)
1 hour Elliptical Trainer
1 hour weight training (Abs & Legs)
45 minutes inline skating
Total 3.5 hours
1 hour Elliptical Trainer
1 hour weight training (Abs & Legs)
45 minutes inline skating
Total 3.5 hours
Day 77 Calories
Cereal & Yogurt 200
Apple 80
Vegetable Soup & Steamed Mackerel 320
Raisins & Almonds 150
Mixed Salad, Banana & HB Egg 450
Total 1200
Apple 80
Vegetable Soup & Steamed Mackerel 320
Raisins & Almonds 150
Mixed Salad, Banana & HB Egg 450
Total 1200
Day 76 Review
It was a good day.
I had a nice nap in the afternoon to compensate for coming home early this morning. It is the first time I drank beer in 76 days and I did pretty poor in the moderation department. But, all is still good. I am amazed I did not gain any weight.
I love "All Fruit Sunday". I am surprised I don't have any hunger pains on these days. After this diet I think I will continue eating fruit for breakfast and lunch once a week.
I never ate much fruit in Japan. I always found it expensive. It is a bit expensive but I notice prices can vary considerably, day to day and week to week. Last week Avocados were about 100yen ($1USD). Today they are 240yen each. I try to support the local farmers but their prices are are sometimes substantially higher. Today, local bananas were twice the price of the ones from the Philippines.
I really should make a weekly trip to the farmers market where prices are sometimes half of what they are in the grocery store. I am a big believer in supporting the local producers.
Good Night and Peace
I had a nice nap in the afternoon to compensate for coming home early this morning. It is the first time I drank beer in 76 days and I did pretty poor in the moderation department. But, all is still good. I am amazed I did not gain any weight.
I love "All Fruit Sunday". I am surprised I don't have any hunger pains on these days. After this diet I think I will continue eating fruit for breakfast and lunch once a week.
I never ate much fruit in Japan. I always found it expensive. It is a bit expensive but I notice prices can vary considerably, day to day and week to week. Last week Avocados were about 100yen ($1USD). Today they are 240yen each. I try to support the local farmers but their prices are are sometimes substantially higher. Today, local bananas were twice the price of the ones from the Philippines.
I really should make a weekly trip to the farmers market where prices are sometimes half of what they are in the grocery store. I am a big believer in supporting the local producers.
Good Night and Peace
Day 76 Calories
Banana 80 (10:00)
Apple 80 (11:00)
Grapefruit 80 (3:30)
Apple 80 (4:30)
Orange 80 (5:30)
10 Cherries 40 (6:30)
Orange 80 (7:30)
Apple 80 (9:30)
Total 600
Apple 80 (11:00)
Grapefruit 80 (3:30)
Apple 80 (4:30)
Orange 80 (5:30)
10 Cherries 40 (6:30)
Orange 80 (7:30)
Apple 80 (9:30)
Total 600
Random Thoughts
Last night I was fairly smashed.
But what a fun night. I drank around 15 beers and ended up at a little shop close to my house at 3am. Tomorrow being a holiday and the owner being a Prince, I was given a huge plate of sashimi at no charge. I added 3000 calories to yesterday's total.
The surprising thing is I did not gain any weight. I watched South Africa beat the Lions in a sports bar with some friends. I did well by resisting eating but broke down and had 1 beer which of course resulted in me drinking an additional dozen or so.
Anyways, today is a new day. My weight did not go up and I cleaned up on my wagers. I got to hang out with some people I have not seen a few years and made a new friend. All in all - a good night.
Back to the Diet Grind.
But what a fun night. I drank around 15 beers and ended up at a little shop close to my house at 3am. Tomorrow being a holiday and the owner being a Prince, I was given a huge plate of sashimi at no charge. I added 3000 calories to yesterday's total.
The surprising thing is I did not gain any weight. I watched South Africa beat the Lions in a sports bar with some friends. I did well by resisting eating but broke down and had 1 beer which of course resulted in me drinking an additional dozen or so.
Anyways, today is a new day. My weight did not go up and I cleaned up on my wagers. I got to hang out with some people I have not seen a few years and made a new friend. All in all - a good night.
Back to the Diet Grind.
Random Thoughts
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